How Kim Kardashian Became a Top Social Media Influencer

The Best Content Marketing Strategy? They Ask, You Answer

May 12, 2020 Content Marketing 1 comment

They Ask You Answer

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This is probably the best content marketing strategy I’ve ever come across.

And I certainly do know truckloads of them. After all, I’ve spent over 15 years blogging about business, run a content and social media marketing agency, and trained over 3,000 students in 160 workshops and classes in digital and non digital marketing.

How to Take Advantage of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

May 5, 2020 Social Influence no comments

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What do other people say about your brand? Do you have raving fans who recommend you to others?

Word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing is one of the most positive forms of advertising. Although some peer-to-peer talk happens organically and is impossible to track, you can embrace this form of promotion with a variety of campaigns and track the results quickly.