Investing in a Penang property? Read this first!

Investing in a Penang property? Read this first!

September 21, 2014 Blog, Business and Management 5 comments

Investing in Penang Properties

With Singapore property prices hitting stratospheric levels, many are inclined to look at the wider South East Asian region. After all, we do have a pretty strong Singapore dollar right now, and many Singaporeans are flush with cash.

Right now, residential properties in Makati, Manilla (Philippines), and the Iskandar region of Johor Bahru (Malaysia) appear to be the hottest ones in the market. Those who prefer to venture further afield are also considering properties in the white hot Melbourne and Sydney markets or even properties in the UK.

What about the island of Penang? Are Penang properties still worth investing in? Let us take a closer look.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Book Review

September 14, 2014 Book Reviews, Personal Branding no comments

Why are some folks blessed with riches while others struggle to make ends meet? What is the magic formula to wealth?

The answer, according to renowned millionaire guru T. Harv Eker, is found in one’s money blueprint. In his bestselling book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Eker urges us to change our personal money blueprint and reprogramme the way we think, feel and act in order to achieve mastery over our wealth, attain financial freedom, and lead more meaningful lives.

Transforming Lives Through Culture – Project Intan 2014

September 11, 2014 Blog no comments

Alvin Mark Yapp, Founder of The Intan; DPM Teo Chee Hean; Mr Koh Choon Hui (Chairman of Singapore Children’s Society) and Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin at Project Intan 2014 (courtesy of The Fat Farmer)

Alvin Mark Yapp is a man on a mission. Boss of outdoor advertising specialist Bus Ads, the Peranakan entrepreneur opens up his beautiful Peranakan-themed home every year to raise funds for the needy. And boy are his tireless efforts making waves!

Turning Silver into Gold: Book Review

September 10, 2014 Blog, Book Reviews no comments

What is the fastest growing yet often neglected consumer group? One that has contributed to a demographic bulge of about 77 million people in the US?

Yes, I’m talking about the Baby Boomers, i.e. those born from 1946 to 1964. Hitting their silver years over the next decade or so, Baby Boomers represent the largest age-related demographic group in the world today. In China alone, it is predicted that the 50+ marketplace will swell to a staggering 525.8 million people by 2025.

Celebrating the Art of Storytelling

September 7, 2014 Content Marketing no comments

Do you have a story to tell? I’m sure you do. In fact, all of us are storytellers at every stage of life.

An ancient art form beloved by all, storytelling has brought stories to life since the dawn of time. Through their vivid and dramatic sharing, storytellers help to unlock our humanity and allow us to connect deeply with the rich personal narratives that rule our lives.

A good storyteller – be it at work or at play – can enchant and excite a crowd. The most memorable icons of human history are great oral storytellers. By employing the right mix of words, tone of voice, and dramatic gestures, these leaders have triggered political revolutions, started religions, led massive organisations, or created global movements that shape our lives in countless ways.

Retiring in Singapore – how much do you really need?

August 24, 2014 Blog, Personal Branding 2 comments

Retiring in Singapore - PM Lee Hsien Loong
PM Lee at National Day Rally 2014 (courtesy of Prime Minister’s Office)

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s recent National Day Rally speech got me thinking about the challenges of planning for one’s retirement. Are Singaporeans aware of how much funds they need to retire comfortably? Do they know what their true retirement living costs will be?

I like how PM illustrated the case of a fictitious 54 year old senior technician named Mr Tan, and how his estimated living costs of $2,000 per month could possibly be met. Through the example given, PM showed that a CPF Minimum Sum of $155,000 – to be adjusted to $161,000 next year – isn’t an unreasonable amount to be considered in one’s Retirement Account (RA). In fact it can only cater to a very basic lifestyle and is probably insufficient for those who retire earlier (at say 55 rather than 65 years of age).

Offensive Versus Defensive Public Relations

August 20, 2014 Public Relations 1 comment

Is Public Relations (PR) always about “sugar and spice and everything nice”? Are there situations where you have to close ranks and fight to defend your corporate reputation?

In the social age, seemingly innocuous events could be blown way out of proportion. At the same time, getting your news out there has become increasingly challenging in an ever-streaming, over-cluttered digital world.