The 8 Ds of Great Leaders

Why Prison and Locker Rooms are Pink

March 19, 2014 Business and Management no comments

Why Prison and Locker Rooms are Pink
Pink prisons aren’t just fashionable – they work! (source: The Cairns Post)

Have you wondered why seeing red makes you mad? Or why Apple products are so popular with creative types?

Thanks to a fascinating podcast on Social Triggers Insider, I discovered the answers from social psychologist Adam Alter, author of Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave.

Groove to Musicity at Tiong Bahru

March 16, 2014 Blog no comments

Courtesy of Marc Nair

Do you relish gawking at beautiful old places? Perpetually plugged in to music on your digital device? Love to immerse yourself in a rich sensorial experience?

Well, if you’re an experience hedonist (like yours truly) who loves to zone out to the alchemy of architecture, music, and food, you may wish to check out Musicity.

The Ebb and Flow of the Social Web

March 12, 2014 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

Source of image

Catalysed by the ubiquitous social web, our lives are becoming inseparable from that of our networks. We are addicted to the constant online “strokes” delivered by our friends, and crave their likes, shares, comments and retweets.

Like it or loathe it, much of what happens in real life (IRL) is intimately intertwined to how we behave in the virtual world. And we’re lovin’ it.

David and Goliath: Book Review

March 5, 2014 Book Reviews 2 comments


David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell

Why do underdogs triumph over mightier enemies? How does one turn a weakness into a strength?

In yet another entertaining trip of the intellect, Malcolm Gladwell’s latest volume David and Goliath tackles perennial paradoxes with much aplomb. Written in his usual captivating prose, Gladwell’s book – subtitled Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants – provides one with much food for thought while challenging conventional wisdom.

Are You Thinking in New Boxes?

February 23, 2014 Business and Management no comments

Courtesy of Applicant

We all know that the world is changing at a blinding pace. Yesteryear’s market leaders like Barnes & Noble, Kodak, Blockbuster and Tower Records fade away. Meanwhile, new business darlings like Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google take the stage.

Time and again, we’ve been told that if we don’t think “out-of-the-box” and reinvent our businesses, we will suffer the same untimely fate. The challenge, however, is how.

7 Ways to Truly Delight Your Customers

February 19, 2014 Content Marketing no comments


Marketing is broken. At least in the traditional sense.

Focused on customer acquisition, promotions and sales volumes, traditional marketing views customers as “targets” to be arrowed.

Bigger, bolder and flashier campaigns are launched to attract their rapidly diminishing attention while carrots like discounts, freebies and lucky draws are dangled to coax them to open their wallets.