The Language of God: Book Review

8 Secrets to Great Writing

April 8, 2014 Content Marketing 1 comment

As a communicator who blogs in his free time, I write both for work and leisure. While my years of experience does make a difference to how elegantly I can put digital pen to paper, it can still be a bitch trying to craft amazing copy on a regular basis.

What then are the secrets to writing well?

Enjoy Year Long Offers With The Entertainer App

April 2, 2014 Blog 2 comments

Recently, my family (two adults and one 10 year old) “broke” our record when we paid $91 for breakfast of egg benedicts, pancakes, and fine coffee at a popular cafe. While we were mentally (and financially) prepared for that enjoyable meal, it seemed quite clear that dining out and entertaining can be costly. Especially when we are only free on peak periods – Friday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays.

Fortunately, there is a way for us to have our cake and eat it – without breaking the bank. Introducing The Entertainer Singapore.

The Death of the Music Album

March 30, 2014 Business and Management 1 comment

Katy Perry’s Prism isn’t getting off to a colourful start (courtesy of The Katy Perry Wiki)

Katy Perry is a global mega-star.

Her music videos on YouTube generate hundreds of million views (over 201 million for “Roar”). Her Facebook fan page has almost 60 million “likes”. Over 47 million followers worship her on Twitter. Her hits (like “Fireworks” and “Teenage Dream”) are so well known that anybody from school kids to grandparents are humming along to their melodies.

Why Prison and Locker Rooms are Pink

March 19, 2014 Business and Management no comments

Why Prison and Locker Rooms are Pink
Pink prisons aren’t just fashionable – they work! (source: The Cairns Post)

Have you wondered why seeing red makes you mad? Or why Apple products are so popular with creative types?

Thanks to a fascinating podcast on Social Triggers Insider, I discovered the answers from social psychologist Adam Alter, author of Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave.

Groove to Musicity at Tiong Bahru

March 16, 2014 Blog no comments

Courtesy of Marc Nair

Do you relish gawking at beautiful old places? Perpetually plugged in to music on your digital device? Love to immerse yourself in a rich sensorial experience?

Well, if you’re an experience hedonist (like yours truly) who loves to zone out to the alchemy of architecture, music, and food, you may wish to check out Musicity.

The Ebb and Flow of the Social Web

March 12, 2014 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

Source of image

Catalysed by the ubiquitous social web, our lives are becoming inseparable from that of our networks. We are addicted to the constant online “strokes” delivered by our friends, and crave their likes, shares, comments and retweets.

Like it or loathe it, much of what happens in real life (IRL) is intimately intertwined to how we behave in the virtual world. And we’re lovin’ it.