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The Kidz Academy – An Edutaining Extravaganza

June 8, 2014 Blog no comments

The June school holidays are here! What should frazzled fathers and manic mothers do?

Well, besides going for a holiday and taking a break after the mid-year exams (aka SA 1), we ought to also find ways to occupy our kids productively. As parents to a 10 year old boy in primary five, my wife and I are particularly concerned that our son should focus on filling in the gaps in his knowledge while still having a balanced holiday.

Travelling Cheap To Johor Bahru

June 1, 2014 Blog 1 comment

Johor Bahru (JB) can be fun for families who watch their budgets. With our rising Singapore dollar and the high costs of air travel (taxes and fuel surcharges particularly), there are more reasons than ever to consider a Malaysian holiday.

On a whim and a fancy, we hopped over to Johor Bahru (JB) when school closed last Wednesday. Like previous visits back in 2011 and 2013, we went via mostly buses and opted to go on a weekday.

Conversations on CPF

May 29, 2014 Personal Branding no comments

Singapore’s Central Provident Fund (CPF) is certainly in the news these days.

The buzz began with recent announcements made on the rise in the CPF Minimum Sum, our President’s address on the review of CPF at the opening of Parliament, a series of blog posts by a certain blogger, and the accompanying lawsuit of the blogger by the Prime Minister. As you’d imagine, lots of bloggers have weighed in on both the positive and negative aspects of CPF (you can find a tonne of them in SG Daily here). The latest is a blog post clarifying what CPF is on The Ministry of Manpower’s blog, followed by assurances that the Government is looking to enhance the CPF Life annuity scheme.

The End of Big: Book Review

May 18, 2014 Blog, Book Reviews no comments

By now, everybody agrees that the Internet is the biggest and most disruptive force in the 21st century. It switches our world order and democratises power like nothing before.

Every aspect of our lives – the information we consume, the governments we vote for, the way we work, the way we learn, and the way we enjoy – is influenced by the Web.