Posts Under: Social Influence

Creating Social Media Content to Reach Multiple Generations of Consumers

June 1, 2023 Social Influence 2 comments

Want to win hearts across all ages with your social media? Let’s unpack the art of making social media content that speaks to multiple generations — from Gen Z to Baby Boomers!

Different generations have unique needs and preferences when it comes to interactions with marketers. This can make matters relatively simple if your business is only targeting a single generation.

Social Media Marketing vs Content Marketing: Which is Better?

May 3, 2023 Content Marketing, Social Influence 1 comment

Social Media Marketing vs Content Marketing

What is the difference between social media marketing and content marketing? Which of these digital marketing strategies work better for your brand?

If you are like many marketers, you’re probably confused by the two. After all, you need to create lots of content as a social media marketer, and social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter are often used in content marketing campaigns.

How Companies Are Incorporating Automation Tech In Influencer Marketing

April 18, 2023 Social Influence 1 comment

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Marketing, at its most fundamental level, is always about human connection. This is especially relevant in influencer marketing — in which the primary goal is to build relationships rather than promote sales.

Influencer marketing, while rooted in human nature, is not exempt from the benefits of technology. On the contrary, automation technologies can significantly contribute to the success of influencer marketing campaigns.

How To Implement a Social Media Campaign To Improve Your Business Reputation

March 16, 2023 Social Influence no comments

Image Source: Pexels

As a business owner, you know that following through on your products is everything. Putting effort into the goods and services you produce is what makes them special and attracts your customer base.

A great product and a great experience are what ultimately keep them coming back. But is this enough to survive and thrive in the social age?

Social Media Marketing Strategies Small Businesses Should Be Using

September 26, 2022 Social Influence 1 comment

Image Source: Pixabay

Are you running a small business? If you are, you need to pay attention to social media marketing as a cost-effective business growth strategy.

The challenges of owning a small business can be immense. After all, it is estimated that more than 20% of small businesses fail within two years, while only around 25% of new businesses can be expected to still be around in 15 years.